Friday, June 12, 2009

album of the week

photo shoot i did for roxy music.... man that was a fun night.

promote vandalism

the jesus blood and satan tears
forever loved today feared
what is lost and who we are
talking daily but heart so far
she weeps at nothing just quite yet
crossing the sky in the blackest jet
to vandalize the hills peaceful green
to show others violence she has seen

my art

i whipped this up for my little brothers album cover. but he didnt want to use it. i thought it was perfect. what the fuck does he know. "dont blame jose cuervo for my illness" is the album and jeremy is his name. in stores now. maybe.


cock faced

caught watching porn

luke and dylan

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

word life

yes. word to life. there are tough times.

but thank you god for making me live.

i love you.

Monday, June 1, 2009


luke got a cover... sort of ..... with this fressssh ass backside blunt hand assist.

more fun in bangkok

deez nuts mick the bartender